Am 11./12. Juli 2018 fand in Brüssel die entscheidende RSCOM-Sitzung (Radio Spectrum Committee) zur EU-Frequenzharmonisierung in den Bändern 870-876 AND 915-921 MHZ statt. In der Abstimmung wurde für die sog. „Squeeze Option“ votiert. Hier eine erste Stellungnahme dazu von AIM und RAIN:
August 1, 2018
As many of you are aware, the change in frequency regulations from 865 – 868 MHz to the new band of 915 – 921 MHz had not been approved in several EU countries, causing a delay in implementation throughout many areas of Europe. In a collaborative initiative, AIM, AIM Europe and RAIN have been working with GS1 and Connectwave (formerly CNRFID) to get approval of a compromise new frequency plan for UHF.
For many months, representatives from AIM, AIM Europe, RAIN and others have met with the regulatory representatives of the member states of Europe in an effort to get a compromise between the railways, RAIN RFID and other IoT users of the band.
We are pleased to report the EU vote on this effort took place on 11 July 2018 and the compromise plan was passed!
Starting in February 2019, three channels of 4 W e.r.p. transmission will be allowed at 916.3, 917.5 and 918.7 MHz. This means the use of RAIN RFID can now move ahead with a harmonized usage across all of Europe.
Wir werden Sie dazu auch weiterhin auf dem Laufenden halten (Formalisierung der Ergebnisse: Offizielle Ankündigungen und Dokumente / Konsequenzen für die AutoIDBranche / …).